Faculty Research Assistance Program (FRAP) and URCA All Years Interested in research, but not really sure where to start? The Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities has a directory called FRAP where professors list undergraduate research positions. They also provide funding for research projects as well.
SACNAS All Years SACNAS Scholars are expected to become leaders within the UCSB SACNAS undergraduate community by participating in and organizing relevant workshops and undergrad research information sessions. Interns are provided a $3500 stipend to support them with living expenses over the summer and are able to be in the lab of their choice. No prior community service, outreach, or leadership experience is required, however, applicants should indicate how they might contribute to the chapter mission of ‘improving and expanding opportunities for minorities in the scientific workforce, also mentoring college students in science, mathematics and engineering.’
EUREKA! 1st Years EUREKA is an 8-week summer research program for freshmen STEM undergraduate students. Interns are provided a $3500 stipend to support them with living expenses over the summer and are able to be in the lab of their choice. The program ends with a powerpoint and poster presentation, in which the students learn science communication and professional development skills.
GORMAN 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years The Gorman scholars program is an academic-year long program of scientific research and educational enrichment guided by individual faculty members and staff of CSEP. The program begins with a 10-week summer research internship, where students are provided oral and written science communication skills demonstrated by a poster and powerpoint presentation. In addition, students are given stipends for the summer and the academic school year, as well funding to attend professional or scientific society meetings.
MARC 2nd years (or on track to receive baccalaureate degree by second year of program) Funded by the National institutes of Health (NIH), the MARC scholars program is a two year program of scientific research for aspiring biomedical and behavioral scientists, that also provides leadership development and graduate school preparation guided by individual biomedical faculty mentors across UCSB science and engineering departments.
CAMP Research Programs 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years The Summer and Academic Year Research programs provide research experiences to CAMP eligible students. Interns work in a UCSB lab with a graduated student or post doctoral research mentor. Interns will participate in professional and development workshops and seminars, with their programs being concluded with a presentation.
McNair Scholars Program 2nd, 3rd years/Transfers The McNair Scholars Program prepares qualified undergraduates for entrance to a PhD program in all fields of study. Scholars are provided academic year and summer research activities, graduate school preparation workshops/seminars, and the opportunity to present their research at local, regional, and national conferences.
Edison Scholar Opportunities 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years Must be one of the Edison majors (check website) to be eligible. The Edison Scholarship is dedicated for undergraduates in support of research-related or graduate school related activities. Edison also has a summer research opportunity.
UCSB Smithsonian Scholars Program 1st and 2nd years The program provides activities and multi-day workshops that engage students in hands-on, skill-building activities connecting them with ongoing research projects. The overall goal of the program is to give students early research experiences that will help them prepare and be competitive for internships in STEM and to encourage students to participate in post-graduate opportunities.
Off Campus Research Opportunities
Please check out our Google Drive that contains some summer REU's (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) flyers that we obtained from this years SACNAS Conference 2019. We will be updating this drive as we learn about more opportunities. Also, look through NSF REU Database to see other internships they are funding.